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Last updated: 12/30/20.
(8/07 – 5/11) Prescott College, Prescott, Arizona, Ph.D. in Sustainability Education.
Dissertation Title: Living and Learning Sustainability: Pedagogy and Praxis in Sustainability Education
(8/92 – 6/93) University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, Master of Library Science — G.P.A. 3.9
(8/89 – 12/90) Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, Master of Arts in Latin American Studies — Major Field: History, Minor Fields: Education and Spanish — G.P.A. 3.8
(8/82 – 5/87) University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, Bachelor of Arts — Majors: English and History — G.P.A. 3.8, Phi Beta Kappa
(9/96 – 6/98) Fort Lewis College, Durango, Colorado — Course Work: Art — G.P.A. 4.0
(1/95 – 5/95) Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois– Course Work: Computer Science — G.P.A. 4.0
(1/88 – 12/88) Pima Community College, Tucson, Arizona — Course Work: Spanish, French, Photography — G.P.A. 4.0
8/12 – present – Professor of Sustainability Studies, Colorado Mountain College, Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
Promoted from Associate Professor to Professor in 2017. Develop and teach Sustainability Studies courses; co-lead curriculum development and revision initiatives; lead efforts in program development and student recruitment; advise students academically and with regard to career choices and opportunities; provide leadership in program assessment; co-develop and maintain significant program communications and documentation (catalog text, program website, advising materials); mentor other faculty teaching in the program; engage in publication and professional development activities; advise student Beekeeping Club; host guest speakers; facilitate program wide events including the biennial college wide sustainability conference; in order to develop significant opportunities for service learning and internships, develop relationships and partnerships between the program and community organizations and businesses, government entities, and other organizations. For the Permaculture Design Certificate program: coordinate academic program, including identifying and mentoring permaculture instructors as well as serving as the Site Manager for the Bear Park Permaculture Center at the Steamboat Springs campus, a two-thirds-acre permaculture site that includes a 1400 sq. ft. geodesic growing dome greenhouse; hire and supervise a team of student employees to develop and maintain the Bear Park Center.
8/17 – 5/18 – Discipline Coordinator, Sustainability Studies, Colorado Mountain College.
Led a significant course/program curricular revision process; developed a matrix for credentialing program faculty; led the development of a faculty handbook of program-wide guidelines and policies for faculty membership/affiliation with the program, program Chair duties, curriculum revision, syllabus archiving and review, course/program assessment, and more.
8/13 – 8/15 – Discipline Coordinator, Sustainability Studies, Colorado Mountain College.
Served as lead faculty author for the first program review for the BA in Sustainability Studies, led the development and initial implementation of program level assessments, coordinated program assessment efforts and analyzed results of assessment data gathered across the four CMC campuses where the program is offered, developed guidelines for community partnerships advisory committees at all program sites and chaired the advisory committee for the Steamboat Springs campus, created vehicles for program-wide communication, contributed to website development for the program, created an advising guide for majors and initiated group advising efforts at the Steamboat Springs campus, led biannual program faculty meetings, contributed to a successful speaker series for the program.
8/11 – 5/15 – Adjunct Graduate Professor in Environmental Studies and Sustainability Education and Graduate Advisor in Environmental Studies – Prescott College, Prescott, Arizona.
Served on thesis committees for Master of Arts Program students; served as the primary academic mentor to individual graduate students in the Master of Arts Program in Environmental Studies; taught Energy Systems and Socio-ecological Sustainability and Food Matters: Food Systems and Socio-ecological Sustainability courses to graduate students using Moodle as the primary course interface and using asynchronous, multimedia presentation platforms.
12/10 – 6/12 – Associate Professor, General Studies and Library – Fort Lewis College, Durango, Colorado.
Taught upper division courses in the Education for Global Citizenship program, primarily The End of Oil course; served as a teaching librarian in the College’s course-integrated research instruction program; provide research assistance at the library reference desk; developed library print, electronic, and video collections in the areas of Environmental Studies, Sociology, and Gender and Women’s Studies; engaged in sustainability-oriented scholarship.
6/04 – 12/10 – Associate Professor, General Studies and Environmental Studies – Fort Lewis College, Durango, Colorado.
Developed and taught lower and upper division courses in the Environmental Studies and General Education programs; courses taught included The End of Oil, Environment and Place, Introduction to Environmental Studies, Community Internship in Environmental Studies, Innovative Month Program — The Value of Place: Intersections of Culture and Environment, Innovate Month Program — Jamaica, Innovative Month Program — Ireland and Northern Ireland, and Reading and Writing in College. Engaged in scholarship and service to the college and community; sought and received grant funding for projects and activities related to teaching, scholarship, and service.
6/07 – 6/10 – Coordinator, Environmental Studies Program – School of Natural and Behavioral Sciences, Fort Lewis College, Durango, Colorado.
Chosen as the first Program Coordinator for this new program from among a small team of faculty who developed Environmental Studies as a new major. Managed the overall operation, community outreach, recruiting, budget, fund raising, speaker series, and governance for this new interdisciplinary program. Assisted in the development of the program mission and vision statements; served as the lead developer of the program learning outcomes. In collaboration with program faculty and staff, developed the program website, advising materials, and recruiting materials. Spearheaded a significant revision of the program curriculum, including development of the newly required Introduction to Environmental Studies course. Taught both the Introduction to Environmental Studies course and the required Community Internship in Environmental Studies course. Secured grant funding for the development of the program’s community based learning and research program and served as lead developer for that program. Secured grant funding for the Food for Thought campus fruit tree orchard (100 trees) and beehive projects. Secured grant funding for student internships with the National Park Service (students conducted greenhouse gas inventories at parks in the Four Corners region in the summer of 2010). Served as academic and career advisor to a large percentage of program majors; planned for program implementation and growth (Environmental Studies was the fastest growing major on campus as of fall 2010); served as campus and community liaison for the program.
1/02 – 12/07 – Director, Integrated Learning Program – Division of General and Exploratory Studies, Fort Lewis College, Durango, Colorado.
Coordinated the Integrated Learning Program cluster of courses and associated regional field trips; developed and taught ILP courses (program was offered each fall to incoming freshmen; thematic focus was sustainability with particular emphasis on the United States Southwest).
8/96 – 6/04 – Library Instruction Coordinator/Reference Librarian/Associate Professor – John F. Reed Library, Fort Lewis College, Durango, Colorado.
Developed and taught Academic Library Research (LIB 150), a required library research instruction course; wrote and maintained Web-based course text and other course materials; managed library instruction department; taught professor-requested library instruction sessions; taught Internet, HTML, and library research workshops for faculty and staff; provided reference service; participated in collection development efforts; participated in collegial governance work for managing and planning library services; taught “Computers, Solar Energy, Ethics and You!” (a technology and society area, upper division course in the general education program).
7/96 – 8/96 – Adjunct Faculty Member – University of Arizona School of Information Resources, Tucson, Arizona.
Designed and taught Systems Analysis and Evaluation course for graduate students in library science.
8/94 – 6/96 – Reference Librarian/Assistant Professor – Western Illinois University Library, Macomb, Illinois.
Provided reference assistance to library users; assisted in managing the reference collection; taught bibliographic instruction sessions directed toward faculty, staff, and students; served as the first Library Web Coordinator, including organizing and developing the original WIU Library Web site, developing and maintaining a large, subject-oriented database of Internet-based resources, and installing UNIX based software to aid in website maintenance.
6/93 – 8/94 – Reference/Technical Services Librarian – Rend Lake College Learning Resource Center, Ina, Illinois.
Cataloged all new library materials; managed and developed library collections; provided reference services; provided bibliographic instruction; supervised student workers; served as faculty liaison.
1/93 – 5/93 – Graduate Teaching Assistant – University of Arizona School of Library Science, Tucson, Arizona.
Reviewed and evaluated student papers submitted to fulfill graduate course requirements in Library Science.
1/93 – 5/93 – Library Skills Program Assistant – University of Arizona Main Library, Tucson, Arizona.
Provided library instruction to undergraduate students participating in the University’s Library Skills Program; provided reference services; evaluated student skill development assignments.
8/92 – 12/92 – Graduate Research Assistant – University of Arizona School of Library Science, Tucson, Arizona.
Developed a subject and country bibliographies of materials related to Latin American librarianship for possible use in a graduate library course.
12/91 – 10/92 – Instructor: GED Preparation and English – Portable Practical Educational Preparation, Tucson, Arizona.
Instructed in all academic areas necessary for obtaining the GED certificate including English grammar and composition, mathematics, social studies, reading, and science; designed English grammar and composition curriculum implemented in all four PPEP schools for the 1992-93 academic year.
2/91 – 12/91- English as a Second Language Instructor – Career Blazers Learning Center, Phoenix, Arizona.
Instructed adults of diverse cultural backgrounds in intensive ESL classes; developed and utilized instruction and evaluation materials.
9/86 – 8/88 – Founder/Financial Coordinator/Concert Promoter – The Baja Arizona Music Cooperative, Tucson, Arizona.
Worked in all phases of forming and running the cooperative including fund-raising; writing a constitution and bylaws; achieving tax exempt status; and promoting, organizing and running two-day music festivals.
Course/Program Development and Teaching
fall 2018 – present — Developer and Instructor, Sustainability Assessment and Reporting, an upper division core course in the Sustainability Studies Program.
fall 2015 — Co-developer, Issues in Sustainability, a lower division elective course in the Sustainability Studies program.
summer 2015 — Co-developer and Instructor, Introduction to Sustainability, a lower division elective often offered as part of a freshman learning community focused on the theme of sustainability.
fall 2014 – present — Developer and Instructor, Permaculture Design I, an upper division elective course in the BA program in Sustainability Studies at Colorado Mountain College.
fall 2014 — Developer and Instructor, Permaculture Design II, an upper division elective course in the BA program in Sustainability Studies at Colorado Mountain College.
summer – fall 2014 — Developer, Permaculture Design Certification Program, Colorado Mountain College; developed curriculum and program proposal for a two-course PDC program; benchmarked the program against similar offerings in the U.S. and internationally; researched and presented employment data relevant to the program; presented program proposal to CMC’s Academic Programs Resources Committee (program approved by APRC and the Curriculum Advisory Committee).
spring 2014 — Developer, Special Topics in Sustainability, an upper division elective course in the BA program in Sustainability Studies at Colorado Mountain College.
spring 2014 — Developer, Field Experience in Sustainability, an upper division elective course in the BA program in Sustainability Studies at Colorado Mountain College.
fall 2013 – fall 2017 — Instructor, College 101: The Student Experience.
fall 2013 – present — Instructor, Sustainable Economics, an upper division core course in the BA program in Sustainability Studies at Colorado Mountain College.
spring 2013 – present — Instructor, Capstone in Sustainability, an upper division core course in the BA program in Sustainability Studies at Colorado Mountain College.
spring 2013 – present — Co-developer and Instructor, Careers and Professional Skills in Sustainability, an upper division elective course in the BA program in Sustainability Studies at Colorado Mountain College.
fall 2012 — Developer and Instructor, Energy Systems and Sustainability, an upper division elective course in the BA program in Sustainability Studies at Colorado Mountain College.
fall 2012 – present — Instructor, Foundations in Sustainability, an upper division core course in the BA program in Sustainability Studies at Colorado Mountain College.
fall 2012 – present — Instructor, Cultural and Place-Based Equity, an upper division core course in the BA program in Sustainability Studies at Colorado Mountain College.
fall 2012 — Instructor, Fostering Sustainable Behaviors, an upper division core course in the BA program in Sustainability Studies at Colorado Mountain College.
fall 2011 — Developer, Food Matters: Food Systems and Socio-ecological Sustainability, a graduate level elective course for the Master of Arts Program in Environmental Studies and the Doctoral Program in Sustainability Education at Prescott College.
spring 2011 — Developer, Energy Systems and Socio-ecological Sustainability, a graduate level elective course for the Master of Arts Program in Environmental Studies and the Doctoral Program in Sustainability Education at Prescott College.
spring 2009 — Co-developer, Introduction to Environmental Studies, an introduction to the Environmental Studies major at Fort Lewis College as an interdisciplinary field.
fall 2008 — Developer, Community Internship in Environmental Studies, a required course in the Environmental Studies program at Fort Lewis College.
summer 2008 — Developer, integrated, sustainability-focused version of Reading and Writing in College for the Integrated Learning Program freshman learning community at Fort Lewis College organized around the theme of sustainability.
summer 2008 — Co-developer, Ireland Innovative Month Program, Fort Lewis College, included two upper division General Education courses that explored the environmental and cultural legacies of colonialism and the current impacts of globalization on the people and environment of Ireland and Northern Ireland; included special focus on sustainability and the impacts of peak oil; also included travel to Ireland and Northern Ireland.
summer 2008 — Developer, Environment and Place, an upper division, natural environment area Thematic Studies course for Fort Lewis College’s general education program.
spring 2006 — Co-developer, Jamaica Innovative Month Program, Fort Lewis College, included two upper division Sociology Department courses that explored the environmental and cultural legacies of colonialism and the current impacts of globalization on the Jamaican people and environment; included travel to Jamaica.
summer 2005 — Co-developer, The End of Oil, an upper division, Education for Global Citizenship course for Fort Lewis College’s general education program.
spring 2005 — Co-developer, The Value of Place: Intersections of Culture and Environment, an upper division, natural environment area Thematic Studies course for Fort Lewis College’s general education program.
spring 2005 — Co-developer, The Value of Place: Intersections of Culture and Environment, Summer Program, Fort Lewis College, included two upper division courses in the College’s Thematic Studies general education program, one in the area of culture, identity, and expression and one in the area of natural environment; included travel and experiential learning in southwestern Colorado and northern New Mexico.
summer 2004 — Developer, The Future of the Southwest: Environmental, Social, and Cultural Issues, an honors course for entering freshmen enrolled in the Integrated Learning Program at Fort Lewis College; program’s thematic focus was sustainability with particular emphasis on the U.S. Southwest.
spring and summer 2004 — Developer, integrated, sustainability focused versions of Academic Library Research and Academic Inquiry and Writing for the Integrated Learning Program at Fort Lewis College.
summer 2000 — Co-developer, Computers, Solar Energy, Ethics and You!, an upper division technology and society area course in Thematic Studies for Fort Lewis College’s general education program.
summer 1996 — Developer, Academic Library Research, a required, freshman level library research course at Fort Lewis College.
Occupy Education: Living and Learning Sustainability. Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, 2012. Reviews published by Feasta (Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability); review published by the Journal of Sustainability Education; additional reviews available at Amazon.com.
Guest Editor for a special issue of the journal Sustainability titled Advances and Innovations in Sustainability Education: Higher Education as an Avenue for Social Change, forthcoming, manuscript submission deadline, November 30, 2019.
Guest Editor for a themed issue of the Journal of Sustainability Education on generating and maintaining hope and agency in sustainability education, December, 2015.
Peer Reviewed Articles
“Competencies and Pedagogies for Sustainability Education: A Roadmap for Sustainability Studies Program Development in Colleges and Universities.” Sustainability, 11(19), 5526 (October 2019).
“Finding Heart: Generating and Maintaining Hope and Agency through Sustainability Education.” Journal of Sustainability Education (November 2015). Awarded the published research award for 2016 by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education.
“Transdisciplinary Collaborations for Sustainability Education: Institutional and Intragroup Challenges and Opportunities.” Policy Futures in Education, 13(1), January 2015, pp. 70-96.
“Leadership without Domination? Toward Restoring the Human and Natural World.” Journal of Sustainability Education 2(1), 2011.
“Critical Social Theory and Sustainability Education at the College Level: Why It’s Critical to Be Critical.” Journal of Sustainability Education 1(1), 2010.
“Reflections in a Broken Mirror: Higher Education and the Challenges of Sustainability.” Green Theory and Praxis 5(1), 2009.
With Jeffrey Frisbie. “Library Instruction That’s Out of This World! Information Literacy at Fort Lewis College,” Reference Services Review, 26(3-4), 1998, pp. 45-50.
“U.S. Government Information and the Nicaraguan Revolution 1979-1989: An Assessment of Bias,” Journal of Government Information, 22(3), June 1995, pp. 237-252.
Encyclopedia Articles
“Green Community Based Learning.” In the Sage Green Series Encyclopedia of Green Education. Ed. Paul Robbins, Julie Newman, and Geoffrey J. Golson. Published in electronic format June 2011. Published in print June 2011.
“Debt Crisis.” In the Sage Green Series Encyclopedia of Green Food. Ed. Paul Robbins, Dustin Mulvaney, and Geoffrey J. Golson. Published in electronic format June 2010. Published in print June, 2011.
“Hubbert’s Peak.” In the Sage Green Series Encyclopedia of Green Energy. Ed. Paul Robbins, Dustin Mulvaney, and Geoffrey J. Golson. Published in electronic format, May, 2010. Published in print in June 2011.
“Structural Adjustment.” In the Sage Green Series Encyclopedia of Green Politics. Ed. Paul Robbins, Dustin Mulvaney, and Geoffrey J. Golson. Published in electronic format May 2010. Published in print June 2011.
Chapters, Articles, and Research Reports
“Transdisciplinary Engagement with Enforced Dependency: A Platform for Higher Education to Address Crises in Employment, Sustainability, and Democracy in Technological Society,” in Michael A. Peters, Peter Jandric, and Alexander J. Means (eds.), Education and Technological Unemployment, 2019. Springer.
“Sustainable Leadership: Toward Restoring the Human and Natural World,” in Benjamin W. Redekop, Deborah Rigling Gallagher, and Ryan Satterwhite (eds.), Innovation in Environmental Leadership: Critical Perspectives, Routledge Series in Leadership Research, 2018. New York: Routledge.
With David Greenwood. “Speaking Our Truth: A Dialog on Hope and Agency in Education and Life.” Journal of Sustainability Education (November 2015).
With Jerome Osentowski, Adam Brock, Isabel Sanchez, and Creighton Hofeditz. “Permaculture as Hope and Agency for Sustainability.” Journal of Sustainability Education (November 2015).
“Hope and Agency as Ontological Imperatives for Sustainability Education: An Introduction to the Special Issue of the Journal of Sustainability Education Focused on Hope and Agency.” Journal of Sustainability Education (November 2015).
Understanding the Political Economy of Enforced Dependency in the Globalized World: A Springboard for Sustainability-oriented Action (paper published by the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability (FEASTA): http://www.feasta.org/documents/enforced_dependency/enforced-dependency.pdf), May 2011.
“Information Literacy (LIB 150) at Fort Lewis College: Innovative Approaches to Instruction in a Required Course,” in Maurie Caitlin Kelly (ed.), Making the Grade: Academic Libraries and Student Success. Chicago: American Library Association/Association of College and Research Libraries, 2002.
“A Traveler’s Guide to Exploring Planet Library — Information Literacy at Fort Lewis College,” Colorado Libraries 24(4), winter 1998, pp. 12-16.
“The Western Illinois University Library World Wide Web Home Page,” in Julie M. Still (ed.), 1997, The Library Web: Case Studies in Web Site Creation and Implementation. Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., pp. 63-75.
“The Cultural Revolution in Nicaragua,” Olas de LAGO, 4, Spring 1992, pp. 20-38.
Reviews and Opinion Pieces
Book Review of Globalization and the Environment: Capitalism, Ecology and Power by Peter Newell, 2012, Poility, Journal of Sustainability Education (May, 2013).
Book Review of Compassionate Activism: An Exploration of Integral Social Care by Mark Garavan, 2012, Peter Lang, Journal of Sustainability Education (May, 2013).
“We’re the Ones We’ve Been Waiting For,” Connecting the Dots series, AASHE Bulletin (September 4, 2012).
“Hope for Sustainability,” Connecting the Dots series, AASHE Bulletin (July 24, 2012).
Book Review of Energy and the Wealth of Nations: Understanding the Biophysical Economy by Charles A. S. Hall and Kent A. Klitgaard, 2012, Springer, Journal of Sustainability Education (March 2012).
Book Review of Fleeing Vesuvius: Overcoming the Risks of Economic and Environmental Collapse edited by Richard Douthwaite and Gillian Fallon, 2011, New Society, Journal of Sustainability Education (March 2012).
“What Sustainability Education Is to Me.” Journal of Sustainability Education 1(1), 2010.
“‘Food for Thought’: Sustainability, Peacemaking and Social Justice.” The Peace Chronicle: The Newsletter of the Peace and Justice Studies Association. Spring/summer, 2009, p. 16.
“Global Thirst for Oil is Growing as Resources Shrivel,” The Durango Herald, Feb. 26, 2006.
“Editorial — Library Research Services in a World of Distant Learners: Information Access and Information Ownership.” GLOSAS News, March 1995.
Living and Learning Sustainability: A Series for New Clear Vision:
- Series Introduction (8/5/11),
- “Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide: Enforced Dependency is Everywhere” (9/7/11; also published in Dissident Voice: A Radical Newsletter in the Struggle for Peace and Social Justiceand Truthout).
- “Gimme Shelter: Framing the Social Architecture of Sustainability” (10/11/11; also published in Truthout).
- “Running on Empty: As Oil Declines, Can We Fill Our Lives with Creative Energy Instead?” (11/7/11; also published in Truthout, and Dissident Voice: A Radical Newsletter in the Struggle for Peace and Social Justice; also translated into Spanish and published in Noticias de Abajo).
- “I Ain’t Got No Home: (Re) Learning the Value of Place and Occupying a Sustainable Future” (12/12/11; also published in Truthout, Counterpunch, Dissident Voice: A Radical Newsletter in the Struggle for Peace and Social Justice, and Resilience).
With Tom Kerns, “Every Grain of Sand: Hydraulically Fracturing our Humanity,” New Clear Vision (5/9/12; also published in Counterpunch and Truthout).
Course Text
With the library faculty of Fort Lewis College. A Traveler’s Guide to Exploring Planet Library (Coursepack for LIB 150, Information Literacy). 3rd ed., 1998; these course materials were included in January 1999 in a Web based listing of exemplary Library and Internet instruction materials co-sponsored by Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) and Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL).
October 22, 2020 — “A Competency Framword for Sustainability Studies Program Development.” Presentation at the virtual Global Conference on Sustainability in Higher Education hosted by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education
October, 2020 — “Creating Pathways to Empower Sustainability Professionals.” Presented with Gina MacIlwraith, General Manager, International Society of Sustainability Professionals. On-demand virtual presentation for the virtual Global Conference on Sustainability in Higher Education hosted by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education.
September 18, 2020. “Teaching for Sustainability in a Complex World: Competency Development and Transdisciplinarity in Higher Education.” Invited virual presentation for the Centro Universitario de Ciencias Economico Administrativas of the University of Guadalajara.
May 6, 2020 — “Economics for Sustainability Studies: Pathways for Economic Change.” Webinar presented for the Sustainability Curriculum Consortium.
January 23, 2020 — “Competencies and Pedagogies for Sustainability Education.” Webinar presented for the Sustainability Curriculum Consortium.
October 29, 2019 — “Transdisciplinary Engagement with Enforced Dependency: Addressing Crises in Employment, Sustainability, and Democracy in Technological Society.” Presentation at the annual conference of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education, Spokane, Washington.
October 28, 2019 — “Teaching Sustainable Economics: Concepts and Practices.” Presentation at the annual conference of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education, Spokane, Washington.
May 9, 2019 — “Permaculture: Applied Sustainability.” CMC Days, Colorado Mountain College, Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Presentation co-developer: Tracey Urbick.
April 7, 2019. “Transdisciplinary Engagement with Enforced Dependency: A Platform for Higher Education to Address Crises in Employment, Sustainability, and Democracy in Technological Society.” Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto.
February 8, 2019 — “Competencies, Pedagogies, and Program Development for Sustainability Studies: Findings from Sabbatical Research.” College-wide gathering of Sustainability Studies faculty, CMC, Spring Valley Campus, Glenwood Springs, Colorado.
Januray 7, 2019 — “Sabbatical Research Findings.” CMC Steamboat Springs, Colorado, Campus.
July 27, 2018 — “Permaculture Design Education and Implementation, Bear Park at Colorado Mountain College.” Statewide Conference for Master Gardeners, Colorado Mountain College, Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
June 12, 2018 — “Beekeeping and Permaculture at Colorado Mountain College.” Geographic Alliance of the the National Geographic Society, a statewide continuing education gathering of K-12 teachers. Colorado Mountain College, Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Co-presenter.
April 19, 2018 — “Sustainable Leadership: Toward Restoring the Human and Natural World.” Colorado Mountain College Sustainability Conference, Edwards, Colorado, Campus.
April 20, 2018 — “Mobilizing Campus Sustainability through Student Employment and Internships.” Colorado Mountain College Sustainability Conference, Edwards Campus. Co-presenters: Jessie Scherzer, Jared Bennett, Cierra LeCluyse, and Liliana Paici.
October 16, 2017 — “Oscar is Grouchy for a Reason! Campus Recycling Behavior Research and Action.” Poster presentation at the annual conference of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education. Co-presenter: Jessie Scherzer (lead author).
September 13, 2017 — “AASHE Award Winner Webinar: Generating and Maintaining Hope and Agency through Sustainability Education.” Invited to present my work from my award-winning research article on this subject.
October, 2016 — “Finding Heart: Generating and Maintaining Hope and Agency through Sustainability Education.” Case study presentation at the annual conference of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education.
October, 2016 — “Journal of Sustainability Education: Special Issue on Hope and Agency.” Poster presentation at the annual conference of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education.
April 21, 2016 — “Finding Heart: Generating and Maintaining Hope and Agency through Sustainability Education.” Colorado Mountain College Sustainability Conference.
April 22, 2016 — “Journal of Sustainability Education: Special Issue on Hope and Agency.” Poster presentation. Colorado Mountain College Sustainability Conference.
October 26, 2015 — “Establishing Pipelines for Sustainability Students, Two-year to Graduate Level: A Working Session.” Workshop at the annual conference of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education. Co-presenter: Kathy Kiser-Miller.
February 27, 2015 — “Cultivating Transdisciplinary Collaborations and Pedagogies in Sustainability Studies: A Faculty Workshop.” Invited workshop, Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
October 27, 2014 — “What’s Hope Got to Do with It? A Research Collaborative.” Workshop at the annual conference of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education. Co-presenters: Lee J. Ball, Marna Hauk, and Rachel Forbes. Facilitator: Denise Mitten.
April 2014 — “CMC and Permaculture.” A presentation on the CMC Steamboat Springs planning for developing permaculture gardens and a greenhouse on campus in Bear Park. Co-presenters: Becky Edmiston, Becky Potter, Natalie Savage, Tracey Urbick, and Cynthia Zyzda. Colorado Mountain College Sustainability Conference, Steamboat Springs Campus.
October 7, 2013 — “Transdisciplinary Collaborations for Sustainability Education: Institutional and Intragroup Challenges and Opportunities.” Presented at the annual conference of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education.
September 27, 2013 — “Occupy Education.” Invited talk on the field of sustainability education, Colorado Mountain College, Spring Valley Campus.
April 11, 2013 — “Sustainability Education: Critical Themes and Personal Perspectives.” Invited webinar presentation for Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education.
October 26, 2012 — Invited panelist in the Western Regional Conversation on Preparing Students for Climate Change organized by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education.
October 15, 2012 — “Hope and Sustainability Education: Initiating a Research Collaborative.” Workshop at the annual conference of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education. Co-presenters: Jordana DeZeeuw-Spencer, Lee J. Ball, and Richard Kahn.
October 15, 2012 — “Occupy Education: Living and Learning Sustainability.” Poster presentation at the annual conference of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education.
May 19, 2012 — “Occupy Education.” Invited Panel Participant, Prescott College Sustainability Symposium.
October 2011 — “Living and Learning Sustainability: Pedagogy and Praxis in Sustainability Education.” Paper presentation at the annual conference of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education.
October 2011 — “Enforced Dependency in Globalized Political Economy.” Poster presentation at the annual conference of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education.
August 2011 — “Energy and Enforced Dependency in the Globalized World.” Invited faculty presentation for the Master of Arts Program colloquium, Prescott College.
October 2010 — “The End of Oil: A Model Course for Sustainability Education.” Paper presented at the annual conference of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education.
October 2010 — “The Journal of Sustainability Education.” Poster presentation at the annual conference of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education. Co-presenter: Jordana DeZeeuw-Spencer.
June 19, 2010 — “The Critical Pedagogy of Sustainability: A Call for Higher Education Praxis.” Presented at the annual conference of the Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences.
June 4, 2009 — “Peak Oil, Globalization, and Sustainability.” Presented at the Prescott College Sustainability Symposium.
April 8, 2009 — “Food for Thought: A Program of the FLC Environmental Center and the Environmental Studies Major Program.” Presented to the Durango Colorado Green Business Roundtable.
November 3, 2008 — “Sustainability in a Fragmented World: Sustainability Efforts in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.” Presented at Prescott College’s Ph.D. in Sustainability Education Program Colloquium.
February 7, 2008 — “Peak Oil, Globalization and Sustainability.” Presented at Prescott College’s Ph.D. in Sustainability Education Program Colloquium.
February 9, 2007 — “Higher Education and Local Food Initiatives in the Durango Region.” Co-presenter and discussion leader at the Homegrown Conference, Fort Lewis College.
October 11, 2006 — “Food for Thought — Local Food Production in Urban and Semiurban Areas.” Poster presentation at Climate Change and Variability in the San Juan Mountains Conference, Fort Lewis College.
October 2002 — “Collegial Governance of the John F. Reed Library at Fort Lewis College.” Presentation at the Colorado Association of Libraries conference.
summer 2000 — Invited panel participant at the Library Orientation Exchange of the West conference; discussed the benefits of required, for-credit library instruction.
June 1998 — “‘Where No One Has Gone Before’ — Library Instruction Goes Out of This World.” Presentation at the Library Orientation Exchange of the West conference; covered the development and implementation of the theme-oriented Information Literacy course required at Fort Lewis College.
October 1997 — Colorado Library Association annual conference poster session and program presentation about the Information Literacy course at Fort Lewis College.
April 1997 — “Library Instruction That’s Out of This World!” Poster presentation at the national conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries.
Other Scholarly and Professional Activities
fall 2019 – present — Member, Advisory Council, Sustainability Curriculum Consortium.
fall 2019 – present – Peer Reviewer for the journal Sustainability.
fall 2019 — Member, Leadership Transition Advisory Committee, Yampa Valley Sustainability Council; assisting this nonprofit organization with a major leadership transition.
fall 2018 – present – Leader, Sustainability Studies Academic Program Assessment Team; developing and implementing program-level assessment tools and strategies; closing the loop in assessment through recommending curricular and pedagogical changes.
spring 2018 – fall 2019 – Member, Materials Management Committee of Routt County, Colorado, and the Yampa Valley Sustainability Council; participating in the development of a strategic plan and implementation strategies for waste diversion for the county.
fall 2017 – spring 2018 – Chair, Sustainability Action Plan (SAP) Steering Committee, Colorado Mountain College (CMC); facilitated and participated in a college-wide team to plan and guide the implementation of CMC’s SAP drafted in fall 2015 and spring 2016 under the consultancy guidance of Natural Capitalism Solutions.
fall 2017 – spring 2018 – Chair, Task Force on Revising College-wide Learning Outcomes, CMC; facilitated and participated in the drafting of new learning outcomes to be applied to all programs college wide; led stakeholder engagement meetings for faculty and administrators college wide to discuss and revise draft outcomes; finalized outcomes appear in the fall 2018 college catalog.
fall 2017 – Member, Task Force on Related Fields, CMC; participated in the creation of a document to assist with credentialing faculty in all programs college wide.
summer 2017 – fall 2017 – Member, Accreditation Report Team, CMC; assisted with the development of a continuous improvement report for the Higher Learning Commission addressing how students learn in programs across the college.
December 2015 – April 2016 – Chair, CMC Conference on Sustainability Planning Committee; collaborated with other faculty and staff to program and implement a two-day academic conference on sustainability.
fall 2016 – summer 2017 – Co-chair, Sustainability Action Plan (SAP) Steering Committee.
fall 2016 – summer 2017 – Member, Leading into the Future Together (LIFT) Leadership Development Cohort, CMC; competitive application process.
fall 2016 – spring 2017 – Member, U.S. Forest Service and CMC Sustainability Studies Partnership Development Team; served in an advisory capacity to the primary team developing a funded student internship program with the Forest Service.
fall 2016 – spring 2017 – Member, Sustainability Studies Faculty Search Committee, CMC, Roaring Fork Campus.
summer 2016 – Member, Sustainability Studies Faculty Search Committee, CMC, Roaring Fork Campus.
summer 2016 – Co-Chair, Student Engagement Policies and Procedures Committee. Led a team that revised Chapter 20, Cooperative Education, of the CMC Curriculum and Instruction Manual.
spring 2016 – Chair, Sustainability Studies Faculty Search Committee, CMC, Steamboat Springs Campus.
fall 2015 – Member, Ad Hoc Sabbatical Review Committee, CMC; participated in the review of a sabbatical request highly relevant to the Sustainability Studies and Permaculture Design programs.
fall 2015 – Member, Ad Hoc Sabbatical Review Committee, CMC; participated in the review of a sabbatical request highly relevant to Sustainability Studies.
fall 2015 – spring 2016 – Member, Leadership Team for creating a baseline study of sustainability in all facets of CMC’s operations followed by the creation of a sustainability action plan for the college; collaborated with Natural Capitalism Solutions staff to guide their contract work for this research and development; assisted in the supervision of CMC student interns contributing to the research process.
fall 2015 – spring 2016 – Chair, College Wide Sustainability Conference Planning Committee, CMC; collaborated with other faculty and staff to program and implement a two-day academic conference on sustainability.
fall 2015 – Member, Ad Hoc Sabbatical Review Committee, CMC; participated in the review of a sabbatical request highly relevant to Sustainability Studies.
fall 2015 – Chair, Administrative Assistant II Search Committee, CMC, Steamboat Springs campus.
spring 2015 – spring 2017 – Member, Academic Affairs Design Team, CMC; assisted with developing a proposal to reorganize Academic Affairs college-wide (proposal was adopted and is being implemented); assisted with drafting position descriptions for school deans and academic department chairs.
spring – fall 2015 – Chair, Community Partnerships Advisory Committee (CPAC) for Sustainability Studies at CMC, Steamboat Springs campus; developed partnerships with community organizations to facilitate student internships, service learning, and job placement.
spring – summer 2015 – Chair, CPAC Oversight Committee for Sustainability Studies at CMC; administered the approval process for CPAC members at four CMC campuses; kept records of appointments and terms of all CPAC members.
fall 2014 – Program Review Lead for B.A. in Sustainability Studies Program, CMC; collaborated with other program faculty to gather and analyze extensive program information; worked with other program faculty to develop goals and recommendations for the program’s future.
spring – summer 2014 – Member, Search Committee for full time faculty member in Social Sciences, CMC, Steamboat Springs campus.
spring 2014 – Member, Search Committee for full time faculty member in Economics and Business, CMC, Steamboat Springs campus.
fall 2013 – present – Co-advisor, Beekeeping Club, CMC, Steamboat Springs campus.
fall 2013 – present — Project Development Lead, Bear Park Greenhouse and Gardens Design and Implementation Team, CMC; in collaboration with other faculty, staff, and students, coordinate the planning for and development of a four-season greenhouse and permaculture gardens at the Steamboat Springs campus.
fall 2013 – spring 2014 – Member, CMC Conference on Sustainability Planning Committee; collaborate with other faculty and staff to program and implement a two-day academic conference on sustainability.
spring 2012 – fall 2015 – Founder and Lead Facilitator, Research Collaborative on Generating and Maintaining Hope and Agency in Sustainability Education.
fall 2012 – spring 2013 – Member, Sustainability Master Plan Group, CMC; served to develop ideas and priorities for the College to make progress in addressing its American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment and improve its sustainability in areas of curriculum, student activities, and operations.
May – June 2012 – Abstract Reviewer, Annual Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education.
January 2012 – December 2014 – Member, Advisory Council for the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education.
spring 2012 – Member, Editorial Board for the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education’s Bulletin.
fall 2011 – Member, Area Personnel Committee, Office of the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Fort Lewis College; served to evaluate the performance of faculty members in Teacher Education and the Library who were seeking reappointment for the upcoming academic year.
fall 2011 – Member, Library Department Personnel Committee, Fort Lewis College; served to evaluate the performance of faculty librarians seeking reappointment for the upcoming academic year.
summer 2010 – fall 2011 – Organizer/facilitator/background research coordinator contributing to the commissioning and drafting of a report on the human rights implications of hydraulic fracturing in natural gas production. The report, titled “A Human Rights Assessment of Hydraulic Fracturing for Natural Gas” was commissioned by Earthworks’ Oil and Gas Accountability Project and prepared by Tom Kerns, Executive Director of Environment and Human Rights Advisory. The report had been referenced in various venues where the environmental and human health and safety of fracking are under discussion.
spring 2010 – present – Peer reviewer for the Journal of Sustainability Education.
fall 2009 – spring 2010 – Member, Interdisciplinary Programs Task Force, Fort Lewis College; served to develop guidelines for the operation of interdisciplinary programs.
spring 2009 – spring 2010 – Lead developer of the Environmental Studies Program website, Fort Lewis College.
each fall 2008 – 2012 – Member, Apple Days Festival Planning Team; served with members of local government, local business leaders, nonprofit organizations, the Fort Lewis College Environmental Center, the Colorado State University Cooperative Extension Office, and others to organize, promote, and manage a city-wide celebration of local food; work included annually involving 50-100 FLC students in apple harvesting and pressing as well as in other work associated with the event.
spring 2008 – spring 2018 – Co-founder and Member of the Advisory Board for the Journal of Sustainability Education.
fall 2006 – February 2007 – Member, Homegrown Conference Planning Committee; served to organize, promote, and manage a local food conference at FLC; worked with students in my Environment and Place class who also assisted with the conference.
summer 2006 – spring 2012 – Coordinator, Food for Thought Program of the Environmental Center in partnership with the Environmental Studies Program, Fort Lewis College; served to develop education and community action programs that assisted the members of the FLC and Durango area communities with localization of food production as a response to climate change and global peak oil production; included working with students in multiple classes using community based learning and research methods as well as planting and caring for over 100 fruit trees in an orchard on the FLC campus; program was awarded several grants in 2007, 2008, and 2009.
summer 2006 – spring 2011 – Member, President’s Advisory Committee on Environmental Affairs, Fort Lewis College; served to guide environmental policy development and application at the College and to help create and implement the College’s first ever Sustainability Action Plan.
January 2006 – May 2007 – Member, Environmental Studies Program Development and Implementation Committee; served to propose and implement a new major program in Environmental Studies at Fort Lewis College.
January 2005 – May 2006 – Member, Community Based Learning and Research Task Force, Fort Lewis College; served to develop increased community based learning and research opportunities for all FLC students.
February 2004 – August 2005 – Faculty Senate President, Fort Lewis College; served as the first president of the newly formed Senate.
fall 2003 – fall 2004 – Faculty Member of the Fort Lewis College Environmental Center Board of Directors.
spring 2003 – Member, Community Solution Circle on Sustainable Economic Development; worked with diverse community members to develop a definition of sustainable economic development for La Plata County, Colorado.
fall 2001 – spring 2003 – Member, Faculty Senate Task Force; served to write and facilitate the approval of a new faculty constitution to change the faculty governance system at Fort Lewis College from a faculty assembly to a faculty senate system.
August 2001 – June 2002 – Abstractor for Latin American Perspectives for ABC-CLIO’s historical indexing and abstracting service.
August 3-8, 2001 – Participant in the Institute for Information Literacy Immersion Program for which teaching in and managing information literacy programs was the focus; application process was competitive.
July 2001 – July 2003 – Member, Library Management Council, the central governance body of the Reed Library, Fort Lewis College; collaborated with other library faculty/staff members to manage and plan library services.
February 2001 – September 2001 – Chair, Intellectual Property Policy Task Force; served to write the first intellectual property policy for Fort Lewis College.
fall 2000 – fall 2002 – Member, Fort Lewis College Instructional Technology Committee; served to address issues and needs regarding academic uses of technology.
fall 2000 – March 2001 – Chair, Library Governance Task Force; served to coordinate library wide discussions on nonhierarchical management possibilities and to develop a proposal for a trial year of collegial management for the John F. Reed Library.
January 2000 – January 2004 – Elected member, Fort Lewis College Faculty Executive Council; served as one of nine representatives of the faculty at large who coordinated faculty governance; served as Secretary of the Faculty Assembly for two years, as Elections Officer for one year, and as Vice Chair of the Faculty Assembly for one year.
spring – summer 1999 – Chair, Fort Lewis College Library Instruction Planning Committee; served to develop the first ever mission statement and goals for the Library Instruction Department at Reed Library.
spring – summer 1999 – Co-leader, General Education Program Study Group, Technology Area, Fort Lewis College; served to develop course criteria for the technology and society area upper and lower division courses for an interdisciplinary, thematically organized general education program.
November 1998 – May 1999 – Member, Fort Lewis College Technology Master Plan Task Force; served at the request of the Vice Presidents for Academic Affairs and for Business and Finance to develop the first ever master plan for technology at FLC.
fall 1998 – spring 2000 – Member, Fort Lewis College Electronic Learning Committee; served to explore issues, including professional development, in the use of educational technology.
July 30 – August 4, 1998 – One of 32 library professionals selected nationally to participate in the Leadership Institute at Snowbird held at Snowbird, Utah.
fall 1997 – spring 1998 – Member, Fort Lewis College Library Planning Committee; served to develop a new Library mission statement and goals.
spring 1997 – fall 1998 – Chair, Library Collection Maintenance Committee, Fort Lewis College; facilitated and participated in systematic examination of the library book collection for the purposes of selection, deselection, and collection development.
spring 1997 – Member, Educational Purpose Statement Task Force; assisted in the development of a new statement of educational purposes to guide curriculum development and reform at Fort Lewis College.
fall 1996 – spring 1999 – Member, Fort Lewis College Composition Committee.
May 1995 – summer 2000 – Managing Editor, GLOSAS News, the official online journal of the Global Systems and Simulations Association, USA.
May 1995 – June 1996 – Abstractor for Journal of Developing Areas for ABC-CLIO’s historical indexing and abstracting service.
May 1995 – June 1996 – Member, Western Illinois University Computer Mediated Communication Advisory Committee; served to develop and implement policies regarding computer mediated communication.
October 1994 – spring 2001 – Abstractor for Perspectives in Mexican American Studies for ABC-CLIO’s historical indexing and abstracting service.
Grants and Funded Projects
2020 — $5,000 from the Yampa Valley Electric Association Round-up Fund to support permaculture garden infrastructure and plantings at CMC.
2019 — $100,000 from an anonymous donor in support of the development of the Bear Park Permaculture Center at Colorado Mountain College (CMC).
2019 — $25,000 from the Craig-Scheckman Family Foundation in support of the development of the Bear Park Permaculture Center at CMC.
2018 — $5,000 from the Yampa Valley Electric Association Round-up Fund to support permaculture garden infrastructure and plantings at CMC.
2017 — $5,000 from the Yampa Valley Electric Association Round-up Fund to support permaculture garden infrastructure and plantings at CMC.
2010 — $26,566 from the Colorado Plateau Cooperative Ecosystem Study Unit of the National Park Service for student internships; students conducted greenhouse gas inventories at national parks in the Four Corners region.
2009 — $500 from the Ballantine Family Foundation for the purchase of an apple press to support student involvement in the Apple Days Festival and the Food for Thought program.
2008 — $3,500 from the Southern Ute Tribe through its Gaming Grant Program to support development of a campus orchard as part of the Food for Thought program (a student assisted with writing the proposal for this grant).
2008 — $1,500 from the FLC Foundation to support development of a campus orchard as part of the Food for Thought program (a student assisted with writing the proposal for this grant).
2008 — $1,500 in materials from the Habitat Partnership Program administered through the Colorado State Division of Wildlife to support fencing the campus orchard.
2008 — $1,000 from the FLC President’s Initiative Fund to support the Food for Thought program.
2007 – 2008 — $3,500 from the FLC Center for Civic Engagement for the development of the communitiy based learning and research program in Environmental Studies; wrote the grant proposal and chaired a team of faculty members who developed the program.
2007 — $250 from the FLC Foundation to support Food for Thought program tree and shrub plantings at Oakhaven Permaculture Center.
January 1995 – November 1995 — Two grants from American Network, a private Internet Provider, for developing and maintaining a subject-oriented set of Web pages for use by service subscribers.
Honors, Awards, and Certifications
International Society of Sustainability Professionals, Sustainability Excellence Professional Certification (ISSP-SEP), December 3, 2020 (valid for two years).
International Society of Sustainability Professionals, Sustainability Associate Certification (ISSP-SA), March 29, 2019 (superseded by ISSP SEP certification).
Faculty of the Year Award, Colorado Mountain College, college-wide (all campuses), May 2017.
Faculty of the Year Award, Colorado Mountain College, Steamboat Springs Campus, May 2017.
Published Research Award, Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education, 2016, for “Finding Heart: Generating and Maintaining Hope and Agency through Sustainability Education,” Journal of Sustainability Education, November 2015.
Permaculture Design Certificate, Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute, 2015
Prescott College Ph.D. Program in Sustainability Education Fellowship, fall 2007 – spring 2011.
Beta Phi Mu library science honor society, member, 1994 – present.
University of Arizona Departmental Teaching Assistantship, Library Science, January 1993 – May 1993.
University of Arizona Departmental Research Assistantship, Library Science, August 1992 – January 1993.
Tulane University Departmental Fellowship, Latin American Studies, August 1989 – December 1990.
Phi Beta Kappa, member, 1987 – present.
Nomination to and participation in the Honors Program in English, University of Arizona, 1983 – 1987.
University of Arizona Tuition Scholarship based on high school performance, 1982 – 1986.
Professional and Community Organizations
International Society of Sustainability Professionals, Member, 2018 – present.
American Educational Research Association, Member, 2018 – 2019.
Permaculture International Research Network, Member, 2018 – present.
Yampatika, member fall 2013 – present.
Yampa Valley Sustainability Council, Board Member, January 2013 – January 2014. Continuing member and supporter.
American Sociological Association, member, 2012 – 2017; section memberships: Environment and Technology, Political Economy of the World-System.
Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability (FEASTA), member, 2010 – 2017.
Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy, member, 2010 – 2017 and 2019 – present.
Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences, member, 2010 – 2016 and 2019 – present.
English, fluent; reading, writing, speaking. Spanish: intermediate; reading, writing, speaking.
Current Scholarly and Community Interests and Activities
Sustainability education; sustainability competencies; transdisciplinary pedagogy and praxis for sustainability; exploring the potential for relocalization of economic and cultural life as a response to converging global environmental, cultural, and economic crises; engaging in community building work related to local food and other areas of sustainability; working with members of local community organizations to create and implement community based learning and research opportunities for students in my sustainability-oriented courses; researching, writing, and teaching about leadership, energy, water, and development issues; researching, writing, and teaching about the financial, economic, governance, and intellectual property framework of globalization; exploring how globalized political economy impacts and influences cultures and environments; permaculture; beekeeping.
Technical Experience
Highly skilled in oral and written communication; highly skilled in meeting facilitation, project coordination, and program administration; skilled in grant writing and administration; very successful in organizing, promoting, and managing public events; skilled in producing online course materials and program websites using HTML and courseware packages; experienced in using Moodle and Canvas as platforms for teaching and learning; familiar with using Survey Monkey as a course evaluation and survey instrument; experienced in using software packages for producing and editing graphics for Web presentation; experienced in maintaining a variety of educational Web sites; experienced in using Zoom, Skype, and WebEx as online meeting tools; skilled at installing and using multiple Mac and PC software packages; knowledgeable in using the Windows and Apple operating systems; well-versed in using Microsoft Excel; highly capable of producing a wide variety of professional documents using various word processing packages; highly skilled in developing professional presentations using PowerPoint; experienced at using Mac iMovie and Zoom platforms to create online presentations.